Din păcate, nici online şi nici în catalogul tipărit nu este redată imaginea reversului scrisorii, dar pot să vă prezint descrierea piesei făcută de experţii casei elveţiene:
1879 Folded cover to Galatz (Romania) franked by 1pi tied by “V. R. POSTE EGIZIANE / 1’500
SCIO” cds (Smith type III-1.5), blue Constantinople Turquie cds alongside, various
backstamps incl. Odessa, Russian TPO & Egyptian PO in Constantinople, fine, only 17
covers recorded by Smith with the type III cds.
Piesa are un preţ de plecare de 1.500 franci elveţieni.
SCIO” cds (Smith type III-1.5), blue Constantinople Turquie cds alongside, various
backstamps incl. Odessa, Russian TPO & Egyptian PO in Constantinople, fine, only 17
covers recorded by Smith with the type III cds.
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