"In the 1980's mint new issues from British Colonies and Western Europe
were marketed extensively as good investments. The theory was that as
the number of collectors rose the newer issues would rise in value
similarly to the way that the issues of the 1950's had risen by 1980.
What the people who bought and sold these new issue investment
portfolios didn't realize was that the cause of the rise in price of the
earlier material was because insufficient quantities of 1950s and
earlier material had been saved and not that demand was so much greater
and would continue to increase. The increase in price in 1950s material
was not a demand pull increase but rather a supply push as, because of
World War II most of Europe and Britain was unable to afford expensive
new issues during the 1950s and were catching up in the 1970s and buying
those issues then. The people who invested heavily in the 1970's new
issues have done poorly. We just sold at Public Auction an investment
portfolio from the new issue guru Jeffrey Needleman for which the owner
paid over $1700 in 1983. It consisted of hundreds of then current
British Commonwealth mint sets all still in post office fresh condition.
It realized the owner less than $400. A thirty year treasury bond bond
in 1983 was paying over 11% (its hard to remember that interest rates
were once so high). If he had bought one of these, our investor would
have seen his $1700 worth over $30,000. Bad investment! Ironically,
because new issues of that period were such a terrible investment
virtually no one bought any quantities of new issues in the 1990s and
2000s. These have gone up in price."
Fără cuvinte...
Salve Max !
RăspundețiȘtergereNu m-aş supăra dacă ne-ai oferi şi traducerea.
N-am făcut decât rusă , franceză şi ceva germană.
Mulţumesc !
Andrei , V.D.
Andrei: Am înţeles că ai pregătire tehnică. Ai la îndemână Google Translate... :))
RăspundețiȘtergereOrice investitie poate aduce si pierderi. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereCristi: Aşa este, dacă nu te pricepi sau nu te gândeşti, mai poţi lua şi plasă!
RăspundețiȘtergereBună Max!
RăspundețiȘtergereÎți doresc o săptămână excelentă!
ELENA: Mulţumesc, la fel îţi doresc şi eu!
RăspundețiȘtergereorice lucru isi are riscurile sale...
RăspundețiȘtergerecypy: Asta aşa este...