miercuri, 2 octombrie 2013

Din presa vremii: despre arestarea căpitanului Moroiu

În aceeaşi revistă pe care o tot citez de câteva zile (The Philatelic Record) am dat peste o ştire preluată "din sursă în sursă" (vol. 11, nr. 124 din aprilie 1889, pag. 59-60).

Pe scurt, poliţia se sesizează şi efectuează o percheziţie la domiciliul căpitanului Moroiu, unde se găsesc cantităţi însemnate de mărci poştale, dar şi clişee pentru imprimarea unor facsimile. Moroiu este considerat infractor şi este apoi trimis la închisoarea Văcăreşti. Pentru a nu influenţa în niciun fel textul original, l-am lăsat în limba originală, netradus.

"(...) Last month we omitted to mention that the Timbre-Poste, who it appears had received the above information from a M. Moroiu, had been since informed by the Inspector-General of the Roumanian Treasury that those chronicled by us this month are alone authentic. The same journal, in its number for the present month, prints the following extract from the Independence Roumaine of the 10/22 March last:
«Forged Postage Stamps.—Yesterday an information of the gravest nature was laid before the prefecture of police. It related to nothing less than the existence in the centre even of the capital of a manufactory of forged postage stamps.
The forger informed against answers to the name of Moroiu, a captain on the retired list.
Colonel Algin, prefect of police, charged M. Carlova, director of the police, to commence the investigations and ascertain if there was any foundation for the information. After some preliminary, inquiries, M. Carlova was convinced that something suspicious was passing at the house of Captain Moroiu, and informed MM. Boldur-Voinesco, first procurator, and Papp, examining judge, and all three proceeded to the house of Moroiu.
At the first search they found a considerable quantity of unused stamps. On Captain Moroiu being asked where they came from, he replied, that he was a great collector of stamps, which he sold to amateurs at home and abroad, and that if they appeared new he had coloured them. The magistrates seized the stamps, and then proceeded to the Post-office and to the Mint, where the postage stamps are manufactured. At this latter they were told that the stamps were not forged, but that the colours only had been changed.
Nevertheless, in the evening a person advised M. Carlova to continue his search at the house of Captain Moroiu, assuring him that he would find in a certain place indicated by him a large number of dies for the manufacturing of postage stamps, Roumanian as well as foreign. MM. Papp, Boldur-Voinesco, and Carlova made another search this morning and found about 200 dies. There was one even for the fabrication of stamps of Buenos Ayres. Captain Moroiu, thus found in open violation of the law, made a full confession, and was incarcerated at Vacaresti»".

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