vineri, 11 februarie 2011

Scrisoarea deschisă a portughezilor încinge spiritele

Am stat mai mult timp să mă gândesc dacă să prezint în continuare schimbul de replici care a urmat scrisorii deschise trimise de Federaţia Filatelică din Portugalia la FIP.

Personal, nu mă număr printre activişti sau oficiali, prefer să fac individual filatelie (sau, mă rog, împreună cu un număr restrâns de prieteni şi, începând cu 1 ianuarie, şi împreună cu voi, cititorii mei). Nefiind deci amestecat în niciun fel de interese, nici la nivel naţional şi nici internaţional, îmi permit să spun lucrurilor pe nume.

Părerea mea personală (după lecturarea scrisorii deschise în cauză) este că dl. Pereira s-ar putea să aibă puţintică dreptate.

Imediat după trimiterea scrisorii deschise (care a fost expediată nu numai la FIP, ci şi la multe federaţii naţionale), preşedintele "Koninklijke Nederlandse Bond van Filatelistenverenigingen" (Asociaţia Regală de Filatelie din Olanda) a trimis, la rândul său, un mesaj public:

To all presidents,
Please let somebody stop the Portugese president from creating an artificial gap between the FIP and the national federations. The Dutch federation - and I am sure that there are other federations as well - is fed up with this negative attitude towards the FIP. Where we feel it is necessary to build bridges between the federations, the president of the Portugese federation is desperately trying to prevent creating these bridges. An attitude that doesn't help neither global- nor European or even national philately.
In the name of global philately let's join each other and work together. Only then we have an opportunity to bring philately on a higher level.
Best regards,
Koninklijke Nederlandse Bond van Filatelistenverenigingen
Royal Netherlands Association of Philatelic Societies

Victor Coenen

Acest mesaj îl face pe dl. Pereira să ră spundă, la rândul său, cu o nouă scrisoare deschisă, adresată în primul rând colegului olandez, dar expediată şi la restul federaţiilor naţionale. Redau mai jos conţinutul acestei scrisori şi vă las să judecaţi singuri. Mie începe să-mi miroasă .

Dear Mr President of KNBF
Dear Collegue
I sent you an e-mail talking about work, answered to an e-mail sent by you to me,  with a very nice word “ BRIDGE”, but I couyd not get any answer from you.
Well,  but today I would like to give you two examples to make bridges, between philatelists and National Federations.
1 – In PORTUGAL-2010 it was worry of the Portuguese Philatelic Federation the nomination of Jurors.
As you can imagine I have around of the world and after 29 years working in the Portuguese Federation thousend of good friends.
I would like to have had the opportunity to invite all as jurors to PORTUGAL-2010.
However the politic of the Portuguese Federation inside and outsideis is: every countries, which nominate jurors to an international exhibiton, must have the right to have, at least, one juror in the exhibition.
In PORTUGAL-2010 we had the opportunity to do it.
Sometimes was not easy and when we were doing the groups,  we were obliged to leave some friends out of our choice. An example : to invite your juror Bert Goffers, it was not for me possible to invite my good friend Itzan Glatz from Hungary and why, because from Hungary I had already in the group Dr Lippay and to build the groups was not possible to invite both of them.
So, to PORTUGAL-2010 it were invited jurors from all National Federations, less Bolivia and Venezuela. They only nominate one juror and unfortunately I had not places in the groups to this two people.
However, FIP Board did a lot of pression to include their “friends”, which I did not accepted. For example and according the rules I was only obliged to send to FIP a list of jurors choosen by me, however FIP sent me a letter imposing that I was obliged to send the list of jurors nominated by the countries. What was the target? only to chose the friends of this list, as happen around of the world in all philatelic exhibitions. It is obvious that I did not send this list. After this I received a lot of proposals from FIP to replace jurors, and as they were not informed about the names, they started proposing names, who never had been proposed by the National Federations. They have tried also to put out our FEPA President, and this never was accepted by me. I could tell you more things, but .... it is enough by the moment.
So, I imposed my politic to invite jurors and in the end, if you check the jurors of PORTUGAL-2010, you will find many jurors from many different countries and not like the same in other exhibitions where you will find only the FIP “ friends” as happened in China where Singapore had 6/7 jurors and Paraguay 2 members!!, when many other National Federation had not only one!! I could give you more examples , but I do not want do it now.
This want means that THE SYSTEM is very clear: if you vote me, I will invite you !!!!!. This is the principle of all.
About this I could tell you other very interesting stories, but not now.
So, to make BRIDGES  the correct politic is done by the Portuguese Philatelic Federation as you can understand and not the FIP Politic about jurors/Friends !!!! The FIP politic is TO BREAK BRIDGES!!
2 – To make bridges, as you said,  between Continents and National Federations it is fundamental to have a good FIP magazine, where the National Federations are invited to write, to inform what is happened in their countries or what will happen, to make briges is to show the philatelic work around of the world, information about books, literature, work with Youth etc etc. To make bridges is to give the opportunity to the small National Philatelic Federations to show their activities and I know what I am saying, because during 8 years, as FEPA President, I did this business in my personal computer at home,  with the good co-operation of some members of FEPA Board and with the extraordinary co-operation of many European Nationa Federations.
For example: do you know what is happening in Asia or Ameria or what will happen? do you know what they were the literature works published in these continents which could be interesting to the world of philately? You do know nothing, because you are not informed! so the bridges never were done !
To publish a magaizine like FEPA NEWS,  is in reality to make bridges, but to do this,  it is necessary to work, to be able to work and to be frank with you in FIP Board do not exist in this moment nobody interested in this work, because they do not work. What have you as FIP magazine: the FLASH is only a dark and grey magazine without any interesting matters, without any information, when FIP has 89 members !!!!!
So, my dear President, here have you  two ways to make bridges, and to do it it is necessary to be independent, imparcial and TO WORK.
If you read my program of my candidature to FIP President,  you will find more proposals to make bridges.
When we are in an international charge, as FEPA Board or FIP Board,  first of all, we must  defend the interests of ALL NATIONAL FEDERATIONS and not only the interests of the “friends”, who are the supporters.
So, my dear Colleague, as you can check I did bridges in all my life, I was allways wooried with all National Federations, I have treated all, big or small,  in the same level and way, I did all briges possible with everyone,  who was worried with the philately,  and not with their personal interests. To make bridges it is necessary to finish with THE SYSTEM. FIP never can be as a  TRAVEL AGENT.
In Opatia, in FEPA Congress, I will be to your disposal to explain you more ways to build bridges, and many other incredible games, which, I am sure,  you do not know!!
I never go give up to have a better and fair philately to all National Federations, I repeat all National Federations.
With my best regards
Pedro Vaz Pereira
President of the Portuguese Philatelic Federation

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